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鹤 The Crane
鹤 The Crane

  • Song of the Day

  • 周排行冠军歌曲

  • 编辑推荐

发表时间 2022-11-21


继歌曲〈拉面公子〉之后,鹤The Crane将在12月发行首张全长度专辑。

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Are you feeling ok?

What you doing on the weekend?

It is almost 5 a.m.

Shit that I said keeps me wide awake

I’m not good at all

But I also mean it in some ways

I meant it in some ways, are you ok?

Maybe we won’t go back no more

Maybe it’s all just alcohol

I’m not saying it’s all your fault

But if you can’t take it just hang up my call

Please figure it out, figure it out all by yourself

What did you say? I can’t recall

Cause I’m that selfish after all

I love you but I hate you more

Got sick of all these protocols

But we’re not gonna lose it, just lose it all

On thing that small

Princess, am I loving you wrong?

Your highness, babe where’s your gown?

It’s toxic but we need to go on

Just stop it I’ll give you what you want

This time you’ll win it all

The battle not the war

Princess, I should give you a crown

You’re upset so I’m doing it wrong

Let’s make out and make it up as well

I’m selfish cause I need you to be happy

Stop wasting all our time

Leave it all behind

Need you, I need you to be fine

We were living in the dark side of the building

Gloomy sunshine felt like rain in the morning

None of us felt too good

Both of us need some silence

Mood came all of a sudden

Mood then became a tantrum

I ain’t saying I got no problem

But a text I sent a couple weeks before we even met, wtf?

Our stories started long ago

So mythical as they’ve been told

So we’re not gonna lose it, just lose it all

On thing that small

Princess, am I loving you wrong?

Your highness, babe where’s your gown?

It’s toxic but we need to go on

Just stop it I’ll give you what you want

This time you’ll win it all

The battle not the war

Princess, I should give you a crown

You’re upset so I’m doing it wrong

Let’s make out and make it up as well

I’m selfish cause I need you to be happy

Stop wasting all our time

Leave it all behind

Need you, I need you to be fine

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