Digital Voodoo
Digital Voodoo

Digital Voodoo


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Digital Voodoo

Digital Voodoo


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发表时间 2023-10-30



Digital Voodoo的音乐短片则从日新立异的直播设备和人物各角度素描范例中获取灵感,以全自拍的方式,用81个角度去捕捉记录,在同一个平面上展示个体的81面。在摄像头基数比肩人口数量的当下,同一空间时间里,你有可能被多个摄像设备同时捕获,但往往我们在自拍或者照镜自观时,都只能同时看到自己的一两面,而且是自认为值得被凝视和趣赏的一面,这种自我审视的失效伴随他者记录的确切全面使得焦虑的风险增加,那些自己不想呈现的”角度“,其实都在云端日益清晰。

词曲 李克非
Written by Kofey

录音师Recording Engineer:武帅辰Tim@KYMStudio
录音室Recording Studio:KYM Studio Shanghai
混音师Mixing Engineer:武帅辰Tim
母带后期处理工程师Mastering Engineer:严俊Jun Yan
企划执行Project Executive:三等于三Three equals Three
平面设计Graphic Design:三等于三Three equals Three

音乐短片Music Video
自拍Selfie: 李克非Kofey
监控编辑Monitor and Editor: 林次Linci

©2023 Kofey Lee & Three equals Three

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歌词 动态歌词

You know
I have a question for me
But sorry
I got an answer for it
Am I a potion
No good and bitchy
Or that is
Mental system to be

Too tight to breath
You keep your eyes on me
Two hearts two beats
Two wicked zombies
Too hard to feel
How ki-kick off the habit
Fin-finger on the screen

How dare you did it to me
How dare you did it to me
How dare you did it to me
How dare you did it to me
How dare you did it to me
How dare you did it to me
How dare you did it to me

A tiny phone can power me on
A computer can power me on
A streaming flow can power me on
I can not power me on
A fucking phone can power me on
A cunning flow can power me on
I can not power me on

Cry as you cry
Smile as your smile
Cry as you cry
Smile as your smile
Cry as you cry
Cry as you cry

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