纷乱交错 Find The Intersection 来自台湾高雄/屏东的纷乱交错,成立于2013年底。 歌词主要描绘对人生的态度,以及经历对社会现象的思考,语词大多不贴切且抽象,希望留给阅听者自己定义。 乐团以Post Rock为创作基底,并交叠了Post Hardcore及Emo的部分元素。 音乐中常运用空间系效果搭配到位的重节拍,来表现出强烈的反差感与极端的情绪,并堆叠出炸裂的音墙及非限定式唱腔的疯狂澎湃中,会发现平静之后存在著一丝渴望归属的梦。
Find the intersection is from Kaohsiung/Pingtung, Taiwan, and was founded in Nov, 2013. Their sound is based on Post Rock, fused with elements of Post Hardcore and Emo, using spatial effects and drum-heavy beats to express a strong sense of contrast and emotion. Their lyrics focus on social phenomena and attitudes toward life. "And in the frenzied surging of the bursting sound wall, And in the unrestricted singing, You will find there is a dream of longing for belonging after the calm'