Green Tea Beauty Queens

音乐人 香港


以Green Tea为主调,GTB尖酸刻薄得来充满语言睿智,字里行间愤怒、谩骂、咒骂收放自如,流丽的广东话和英文双语交缠,带刺幽默游走每首作品。GTB就是华文流行音乐听众朝思暮想之张狂而自信的女性形象。

"GTB" is a fluid acronym of many forms. Green-Tea is the leading touch of evil innocence for these two B’s, wink wink. GTB’s music is the kind of young and unapologetic pop music that this city thirsts for.

Two colossal fields of creative force collide and multiply. Serena and Ruby (members of GTB) play the alternative persona of crass, materialistic, acerbic "Kong Gurls". They do not just aim to turn heads, they shall ontologically destroy and rebuild a new age of Hong Kong identities with their music. GTB hopes to inspire a new generation of totalitarian joy fueled by intensified capitalism, community verbal violence, petty pursuits of life and sisterhood sustained by a common predilection in luxury shopping.

You go gurls.

  • 音乐


  • 粉丝


  • 关注中
