Abandoned Son (简单录音)
Abandoned Son (简单录音)

Abandoned Son (简单录音)


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Abandoned Son (简单录音)

Abandoned Son (简单录音)

Kai Parker(帕克)
Kai Parker(帕克)

发表时间 2023-04-15


You said you can die for him
He took these words as truth
Until he finally cheated on you

He said he wouldn't do it again
But it was every time he would say
He said he would be a better man
But it was every time he would say

You said you would not be like him
You found another man you like
Until you found you have a boy

When you drunk and got high
You will abuse the boy you don't like
When you didn't care the boy
You will leave him alone the whole night

Abandoned son
Abandoned son doesn't need care
Abandoned son
Abandoned son doesn't need parents

You just look for your love
You just wanna make love
You just need someone to love
Hey, maybe I should tell you what you forgot

Abandoned son
Abandoned son doesn't need care
Abandoned son
Abandoned son doesn't need parents
Abandoned son
Abandoned son get in the way of your love

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