

4 首歌

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专辑发行时间 2023-04-18
建立于 2023-04-18


《伤心寂寞觉得冷‧宇宙》全中文个人专辑 Stream/Download (数位线上听) : ​https://www.soundscape.net/a/20422

Follow EVERYTHING ON @lilkrake / @banana_kingdom105​

The "Sad Lonely and Feeling Cold Universe" is produced by lilKrake himself. As a Zero Cost individual artist, he uses his own kind of goofy, interesting and emo style to express his world. The content of this alubm series is mainly in Chinese. These 9 songs are built by his lonely, bizarre experiences and thoughts. Some songs are collected from the past three years and belong to similar themes. The nine songs in the digital release are like the beginning and the end of a relationship—from loneliness, encountering with each other, being together, fighting and affection, until parting and returning to the state of being lonely again—lilKrake uses his fun and unique style to interpret his inner world.

Instagram: @lilkrake
Facebook: LilKrake小章章 @LILkrakeNW
Youtube: lilKrake小章章

《伤心寂寞觉得冷‧宇宙》 Stream/Download (数位线上听) : ​https://www.soundscape.net/a/20422
《4loating Dream》 Stream/Download (数位线上听) :

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