07. Ozomʉ 征战
07. Ozomʉ 征战

07. Ozomʉ 征战


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07. Ozomʉ 征战

07. Ozomʉ 征战

高蕾雅 Yinguyu Yatauyungana
高蕾雅 Yinguyu Yatauyungana

发表时间 2024-02-05



ozomʉ 征战
Battle Call


ia'fafeoi (god of war) is the main deity the Cou rely on during their armed conflicts. There is only one ia'fafeoi (god of war) in each large community, and he will descend from the sky at the time of mayasvi. In ordinary battles, the posonhifi (god of fate), who resides in the enemy's head cage, accompanies the clan to the battlefield. Legend has it that in the old days, the clan would wear a blessed Taiwan cotton rose (Hibiscus taiwanensis) on their bodies as an identification card. Each tag would be followed by a posonhifi (god of fate), so that they would have a protective shield on the battlefield and would be able to strike the target during every attack. As long as they wear the blessed labels made of Taiwan cotton rose, the clansmen can return safely from the battlefield.

制作人Chief Coordinator:Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)
词Lyrics:Yinguyu Yatauyungana (高蕾雅)
曲Song:Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)

演唱Performed by:
yupasuingi 悠巴歌谣传唱队

'atai yatauyungana (高骏逸)
'avai yaisikana (石仕伦)
apu'u muknana (武易萱)
ku'atu noacachiana (庄宇)
mo'o voyuana (石圣安)
naa'u yoifoana (庄瑜姗)
sayungu vaiyayana (汪飒悠)
yangui akuyayana (陈羿妏)
yapasuongu niahosa (梁一哲)

录音工程师 Recording Engineer:Paiian Tamapima(高治军)、Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)
配唱制作Vocal Producer:Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)
后制编辑Post-production Editing:Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)、Paiian Tamapima(高治军)、QinQinQin (邱群)
混音工程师 Mixing Engineer:陈威达 Chen Wei Da
母带后期处理工程师Mastering Engineer:树人咪房Treemen Studio/刘诗伟Liu Shih Wei

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歌词 动态歌词

ozomʉ 征战

butaso ho mozoyʉ 用力喊出来吧
ta okola mia ci 'oyona 曾经走过的地方
'asngʉcʉ yupa asuski 一代接著一代
talua na cocoecon'va 记得曾经的过往

ho tamu la yoho'a na a'o 当你们呼喊我的时候
ta'u la esmi ho no'upu muu 我会出现在你们身旁

mi'o esmi 'ana temu la smoyo 我来 你们就不需害怕
upena zou sia na imu mi'usni 不论你们和什么对抗
ta'u la no'upi mu ho yu'susuyumo 我都会和你们一起并肩作战

upena te uhnenu tela butaso 不管去到哪里 都要勇敢
te uhnenu 'ote smoyo 去到哪里 都不要害怕

butaso ho mozoyʉ 用力喊出来吧
ta okola mia ci 'oyona 曾经走过的地方
'asngʉcʉ yupa asuski 一代接著一代
talua na cocoecon'va 记得曾经的过往
ho tamu la yoho'a na a'o 当你们呼喊我的时候
ta'u la esmi ho no'upu muu 我会出现在你们身旁

ta'u la esmi ho no'upu muu 我会出现在你们身旁

mi'o esmi 'ana temu la smoyo 我来 你们就不需害怕
upena zou sia na imu mi'usni 不论你们和什么对抗
ta'u la no'upi mu ho yu'susuyumo 我都会和你们一起并肩作战

upena te uhnenu tela butaso 不管去到哪里 都要勇敢
te uhnenu 'ote smoyo 去到哪里 都不要害怕

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