这首歌写于2018年末;因为至亲的爷爷刚因癌症离世,从小受他的照顾与爱戴的我沉浸在悲痛里一时走不出来。某天夜里不经意的摸起键盘,经过了几宿回忆与推敲最后成型了这首歌的demo。 与其说这首歌是写给我爷爷,不如说是替他说出了他对这个家最后真实的关怀。尽管家里的一切还是没有太平,尽管老爷子到最后无可奈何在争吵声中悄悄离世。。。至于为什么写英文词,一个是考虑到曲风,另一个更重要的是隐晦家里长辈之间常存的矛盾。逝人已逝,悲痛自勉。三年了,我也坦然接受了这样真正的人生常态。幸运的是,在我漫长的单亲留守童年,我拥有过比双亲还亲的隔辈亲,原来我从没真正意义上的被遗弃。以前也是,以后如此。
...查看更多 收起The Will
Song writer:乐多(周俊超)
Audio Mix:罗A
Another rainy day's coming
I need you to hear my call again
If anyone's out there, hello?
My body's cold and stiff,oh no
I see the guys are crying
When i wake up
I hear the names around me
With the bright-bright lights on
I see the list
My glasses' on
A hand is showing and taking from me
Pull and shout and they're crazy loud
I see my guys are fighting badly
And my heart's so cold
I try to move alone
But there ain't no move
no more
Another rainy day's coming, wohoo
I need you to hear my call again, wohoo
If anyone's out there, hello?
My body's cold and stiff,oh no
I see the list
My glasses' on
A hand is showing and taking from me
Pull and shout and they're crazy loud
I see my guys are fighting badly
And my heart's so cold
I try to move alone
But there ain't no move
no more
I've tried to be good man
I've tried to good dad
with my all life time
I'm sorry to my love
I'm sorry to my guys
I'm sorry for all my bad, wohoo
I know you're blaming
I know you're fighting
I made it wrong and sad (wrong)
Don't live for money
Don't live for false fame
I wish you love and joy
I see the light
I feel the sign
I know they've come
it's time to leave you
Ain't no chance for me to kiss you all
I wanna hold my great-grand baby
I feel my tears are down
I see the fear is gone
Listen sweetie i love you
oh, wohoo
I love you