01 Michael's Credit
01 Michael's Credit

01 Michael's Credit

AlternativeSherry's Neighbors

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01 Michael's Credit

01 Michael's Credit

Super Napkin
Super Napkin

发表时间 2022-08-04


Trying to get away
The morning after​ ten
Now​ you look so sad
Like the things you wanted to forget
The same old story goes
Without saying a name
A name to put you on
A map that everyone

Sold, to the world
So they can buy some
More, more, to go
To feel safe on the road
Roll your boat
Gently down the hell
Hell, I'll let go,
I'll let you be the one you want to
Up on the top of a list of something
To write home about and make peace with
Yourself and your indispensable

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