瘾君子 The Junkies 2nd EP 《次级品 Inferior Products》
released February 12, 2025
制作 Produced by 姜智杰 Slater C, 谌元志 Dan, and 瘾君子 The Junkies
录音 Recorded by 姜智杰 Slater C
混音 Mixed by 姜智杰 Slater C at 锐博声音乐工作室 Rebel sound studio
录音助理 Assisted by 陈品升 Sean, Chen
母带后期处理 Mastered by Alan Douches at West West Side Music
封面设计 Cover/Art Design by 杨毛
编曲 Songs, and Arranged by 瘾君子 The Junkies
词曲 Lyrics, and Composed by 林敬格
发行厂牌 Released Label by 二十二唱片 22RECORDS