05.Last Wish
05.Last Wish

05.Last Wish


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05.Last Wish

05.Last Wish


发表时间 2024-06-20



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歌词 动态歌词

Look at the stars above,
Those twinkling constellations,
Are remnants of ancient explosions,
Spilling forth brilliant light.
Before you return
To the galaxy,
Tonight is your last night
Here on Earth.
Let's make this final night
Last forever by slowing down time.
I don’t wanna lose you,
Please tell me the truth,
Do you love me too?
Stayed up all night, and I got drunk,
Can I dream with you?
I once thought my needs were simple,
Just someone to share fireworks with.
In those turbulent times, we searched desperately,
Finding brief peace in each other's eyes.
Lighting a cigarette,
Gazing at the dim light,
My heart bends in the wind,
Brewing a storm within.
Though I may not be gentle,
I strive to be kind.
Life has countless regrets,
So I hold on to kindness and sincerity.
Planting new flowers, letting go of old memories,
Lighting every lamp in the depths of night.
I don’t wanna lose you,
Please tell me the truth,
Do you love me too?
Stayed up all night, and I got drunk,
Can I dream with you?
Like a star falling into the lake,
I'd rather remain in your heart.
Like a pebble or a grain of sand,
I wish to stay with you forever.
I don’t wanna lose you,
Please tell me the truth,
Do you love me too?
Stayed up all night, and I got drunk,
Can I dream with you?
Saving every postmark tied to you,
Can they be exchanged for a chance meeting?
Aging my face in the mirror,
Imagining your teasing laughter.
Raindrops fall on the dust,
silently parting from the clouds,
I've learned to bid us farewell calmly.
Raindrops fall on the dust,
silently parting from the clouds,
I've finally learned to say goodbye to us.
I don’t wanna lose you,
Please tell me the truth,
Do you love me too?
Stayed up all night, and I got drunk,
Can I dream with you?
I don’t wanna lose you,

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