舞思爱 Usay Kawlu

音乐人 台北市

全方位原民创作才女 舞思爱 Usay Kawlu,30年的使命与歌声像是吸饱养分的种籽,终于在疫情闭关中转化成源源不绝的创作能量,全新作品如坚韧的藤蔓,在她的创作里能听见30年来的养分,音乐风格独特并具国际感,将传统与流行完美的结合,终在动荡的21年底破土而上。
Usay Kawlu has accumulated all her passion for the calling as a seed, she took the advantage of being lock down due to the Covid-19, she converted all her power of creativity into this brand new album. This new album is as strong as vine, you can actually recognize this refined vitality and energy from past 30 years. The style of her music is unique and has a sense of internationality, she perfectly combined the pop and traditional elements, finally broke through the soil this year.

发行首张专辑《那葡萄树上的女孩 The Girl On The Grapevine》,以原民音乐描绘一个都市女孩寻找自我原根的旅程。专辑内每首曲目设计如舞台剧章节,以传统又新颖的音乐风格作为听觉场景,故事剧情如葡萄藤蔓交织贯穿其中。是这位在都市闯荡的阿美族女孩 舞思爱 将30年来累积的文化使命、音乐养分、舞台经验汇集而成的一部原创奇幻大作。
《那葡萄树上的女孩 The Girl On The Grapevine》以舞思爱空灵、温暖且充满能量的歌声,缝合传统古谣与新颖乐风如Lofi、舞曲、世界音乐,并完美结合弦乐与打击声响如电影配乐般完整听觉画面,透够丰富而磅礴的听感引导各位进入舞思爱内心的奇幻世界。

  • 音乐


  • 粉丝


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