mask on
mask on

mask on

Hip hop / Rap

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mask on

mask on


发表时间 2022-08-10


撕掉世人眼中的标签 做回最真实的自我

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They tryna put tags on me now I’m gonna took all mine mask off
Telling the fakers that you better piss off
做我自己 don’t fuck with me 谁要那些title
对我有异议的hater让我来把你们给lay off
符合大众期待我严阵以待put my mask on
打破社会规范 my flow will be like machine gun
让他们感到sick on My attitude always 风流倜傥
Man 多少cash又进帐 新大陆就由我开荒

Never act like
花莲告台北 东华到师大
行为被放大 检视到夸张 的程度 让真实的自我公开得无处安放

Turn the lights on be a rapper在舞台上面mic drop
制服换上 我是师大高材在课堂听讲
All the way up 做事太低调 pull the trigger 不跟你比较 别跟我比起跑你最多去乞讨而我依然是个天公子

是个天公子 是个天公子 不用太羡慕 想再多也只剩嫉妒
回到我的hood 保护我的crew 我是天龙人不用像鲁夫还要找宝物 I gon kill enemy like叶师父 no one can block on 我的路 crossover 外线三分 切入禁区I’m uncle drew
I don’t care about description I don’t pray like a Christian man Fuck that shit I’ll do my thing

They tryna put tags on me now I’m gonna took all mine mask off
Telling the fakers that you better piss off
做我自己 don’t fuck with me 谁要那些title
对我有异议的hater让我来把你们给lay off
符合大众期待我严阵以待put my mask on
打破社会规范 my flow will be like machine gun
让他们感到sick on My attitude always 风流倜傥
Man 多少cash又进帐 新大陆就由我开荒

意识开始掉线 否定的话都绕在耳边
一直都很抱歉 赞美的话就重复两遍
谁对我的褒贬 考验能否戴上gold chain
I don’t wanna act like 勾践 卧薪尝胆 got freezing 戴上狗炼

Checking my swag ( u know my name) 挥挥衣袖不带云彩
I’m the man ( control the game) 过关不用两个礼拜
I’ll be like surfing on the street Dealing everything Beating enemy Producing fantasy All the spotlight shooting me Telling you better know what I mean

发誓 让周围的大家伙不会再看不起
So Bounce 这伴奏一放下去所有人count on me
The clouds 我知道那乌云后肯定会见光明
不停的fill my dream 不管我排第几all the way pull up for destiny

Man you know that 你必须要向前走就算要be alone
you know that 把他们的闲言闲语都抛在脑后
you know that 要撕掉那标签 All by myself
为成功的糕点 放手一博

They tryna put tags on me now I’m gonna took all mine mask off
Telling the fakers that you better piss off
做我自己 don’t fuck with me 谁要那些title
对我有异议的hater让我来把你们给lay off
符合大众期待我严阵以待put my mask on
打破社会规范 my flow will be like machine gun
让他们感到sick on My attitude always 风流倜傥
Man 多少cash又进帐 新大陆就由我开荒

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