Silk (Feat. 雷雨心)
Silk (Feat. 雷雨心)

Silk (Feat. 雷雨心)

Hip hop / RapARK

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Silk (Feat. 雷雨心)

Silk (Feat. 雷雨心)


发表时间 2019-02-13


Swing by the road
Block out all the noise
I’ve fallen stray
Couldn’t find a way
So come take a walk on the wild side
Black and blue I wear with pride
(遍体鳞伤 荣耀掩盖我的悲怆)

Tear off the feathers
Wear all the covers
Burn out the colors
Taste all the sinners
Burn down the water
Breathe in the monster
Drink up the lover
Walk home that stranger

略去了光影 用皮肤去呼吸
翻转过海平面 耀眼的太阳沉落湖底
狄奥尼索斯的晚宴 放肆地随意
漫步在寂静的街头 走到身心俱疲

有什么声音粘稠在喉咙里说不出来 我想你听得到
就像是所罗门王的宝藏神秘而充满危险 在远方天际线里呼啸
结束神圣的祷告 哀怨和憎恨不再重要
Oh god can you see me now can you feel me now

还活着 便是对我莫大的奖赏 因为那意味着希望

Tear off the feathers
Wear all the covers
Burn out the colors
Taste all the sinners
Burn down the water
Breathe in the monster
Drink up the lover
Walk home that stranger

Tear off the feathers
Wear all the covers
Burn out the colors
Taste all the sinners
Burn down the water
Breathe in the monster
Drink up the lover
Walk home that stranger

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