酒鬼保罗 Paul The Drunk
酒鬼保罗 Paul The Drunk

酒鬼保罗 Paul The Drunk


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酒鬼保罗 Paul The Drunk

酒鬼保罗 Paul The Drunk

Aashti 泛丝路乐团
Aashti 泛丝路乐团

发表时间 2014-01-09


Aashti 递送和平之音的骆驼商队

2008年春天,来自马其顿与台湾的 “丝路爱乐人”,藉著一个共同演出的机会,在台北这个逐渐体现丝路精神的国际都会里,写下了具有丰沛文化生命力的福尔摩沙岛,有史以来最多采多姿的丝路乐章。古代欧亚大陆的传奇,如今跨越时空,透过音乐,向人们诉说这当中一篇篇精采绝伦的奇幻故事。这一次,Aashti 丝路爱乐人们带来的是巴尔干最美丽悠扬的马其顿民谣,一整列骆驼商队的壮阔与惊喜,以音乐为这个世界的和平与茁壮祈愿。

Introducing Aashti
A Musical Caravan that Delivers the Sound of Peace and Hope

In the summer of 2008, a concert in Taipei brought together six “Balkan music lovers”, from Macedonia and Taiwan, to create one of the most colourful pages written on Balkan music in Formosa, an Island full of its own rich cultural vitality. Aashti's musical spectrum encompasses Balkan mountain songs and dance music, mysterious tunes of Orthodox Christianity and Sufism, as well as Mediterranean accentuated charms of drumming. Always being at the crossroad between East and West, the Balkan music has long sought to reconcile the differences in the musical styles which encounter and reveal a universal harmony that underlines them. Piece by piece, we are stunned at the wonder of all the stories. Through Aashti, this music is again striving to transcend the space between East and West and reveal the simple truth that “We are one”.

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Pavle mi pie (Paul The Drunk)







Paul The Drunk

Paul the Bohemian was drinking in the tavern,
He drank so much wine that,
when the time to pay came, he didn't have enough money.
Oh Paul, you drunkard, you lover of spirits,
why do you drink so much with no money to pay?
Paul the Drunkard, lover of spirits,
Drinking wine all day with no money to pay.

The young lady scolded him,
“How can you drink so much and not have money to pay?”
Oh Paul, you drunkard, you lover of spirits,
why do you drink so much with no money to pay?
Paul the Drunkard, lover of spirits,
Drinking wine all day with no money to pay.

The young lady scolded him and said,
“You should sell your fast horse,
So you can pay me for the wine.”
Oh Paul, you drunkard, you lover of spirits,
why do you drink so much with no money to pay?
Paul the Drunkard, lover of spirits,
Drinking wine all day with no money to pay.

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