Mysterious woman 神秘女子
Mysterious woman 神秘女子

Mysterious woman 神秘女子


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Mysterious woman 神秘女子

Mysterious woman 神秘女子

蔡瀛莹(Angel Tsai)
蔡瀛莹(Angel Tsai)

发表时间 2021-03-20


曲名: Mysterious Woman/神秘女子

作曲/和声编写人: 蔡瀛莹
作词人: 蔡瀛莹
编曲人: 蔡瀛莹
演唱人: 蔡瀛莹
混音/录音: 蔡真胜/蔡瀛莹

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I saw a Mysterious woman
Who walking down the road
And said hi to me
said hi to me~
This is the first time
We met on the earth
And we haven't known each other before

(Verse2 )

Breaking down
Everything you've done yesterday
There was a chance you wanna sent me
A morse cord
Then you disappeared

I can feel the sign that
From your eyes through your body There's something you were intending to tell
And it deeply really makes me feel
I can feel the sign that
From your eyes through your body There's something you were intending to tell


Mysterious woman
Who walking down the road
And said hi to me
said hi to me~
This is the first time
We met on the earth
And we haven't known each other before


Breaking down
Everything you've done yesterday
There was a chance
You wanna sent me a morse cord
Then you disappeared

(Chorus )

I can feel the sign that
From your eyes through your body There's something you were intending to tell
And it deeply really makes me feel

I can feel the sign that
From your eyes through your body There's something you were intending to tell

(Chorus repeat )

I can feel the sign that
From your eyes through your body There's something you were intending to tell
And it deeply really makes me feel

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