【蔡子萱 Stella Tsai X明月时至Project】 2022/11/11 全球数位发行 ▽ Facebook|Instagram|Latest Information https://linktr.ee/tzuhsuan ▽ Work&Collaboration tsaitzuhsuan0403@gmail.com “明月时至,清风自来”—— 致未来的自己 *黑玛艺识《ProjetF》科技剧场主题曲 *欧开合唱团叶微真老师担任配唱 *化为掌管时间的疗愈女声,陪你在虚实之间找到坚定的力量! 好好呼吸,就能看见与听见每一天的奇迹 在所有独处、相遇、移动、静止之间,让自己归零顺著浪前行!那道光就在前方,一同迎向科技所带来的混乱与希望吧! “When the moon comes, so does the wind.” – A tribute to future self Take a deep breath, and see and hear the miracles of each day. Within every solitude, encounter, movement, and stillness, return yourself to the basics and follow the waves. Follow that light toward the chaos and …