03 There is no Spring
03 There is no Spring

03 There is no Spring

PunkMarriage License

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03 There is no Spring

03 There is no Spring

Drinking Boys and Girls Choir
Drinking Boys and Girls Choir

发表时间 2023-09-30


I may not have dreamed seriously, but I felt like I could achieve anything vaguely. I don't know what a rock star is, but I've moved in Seoul because I thought I'd become a rock star if I went to a band. As an office worker in my 30s, my goal is to live happily every day without getting sick. I think I have become an adult as well as an adult. I know more about myself, learn more about the world, and pursue happiness in reality and be faithful to the present rather than fantasizing about a vague future. Spring always comes back, but I realize it doesn't come right after the green summer.

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There is no spring
Do you have something special?
Nothing is enough to live
Run it today, Don’t miss today, you can be today.

Before I knew it, the flowers would bloom.
Before I knew it, the flowers would fall.

I thought, could grab it if I reached out,
But stirred in the air
It was me waiting at the end of time

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