【拨云 Silver Lining】
【拨云 Silver Lining】

【拨云 Silver Lining】

Singer / Songwriter

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【拨云 Silver Lining】

【拨云 Silver Lining】

谢震廷 Eli Hsieh
谢震廷 Eli Hsieh

发表时间 2025-03-20


【 拨云 Silver Lining 】


当激动 源自寂寞
几度曾 求救
对话栏 依旧为空
毕竟 窘迫的我

眼看过 延烧的火
不是没试过 各种形式的自救
日子尝过 几口
良药 却未必 有用

我们 用逃避视作关怀
像多数人对它 避而不谈
期待天空 永远灿烂
却渴望乌云 会自动飘散

明白 和解自己 有多困难
恐惧源头是我 太需要爱
虽然我还 进步缓慢
有一线生机 我不会离开

不想做 什么英雄
用剥夺 抵抗被剥夺
感觉 脆弱 的我

如果我 将功赎过
我能做什么 谁把座位 留给我
日子会有 著落
我就 不排斥 困惑

我们 用逃避视作关怀
像多数人对它 避而不谈
期待天空 永远灿烂
却渴望乌云 会自动飘散

明白 和解自己 有多困难
恐惧源头是我 太需要爱
虽然我还 进步缓慢
有一线生机 我不会离开


我们 若学会立场交换
让多虑的情绪 烟消云散
昨日尽管 天昏地暗
我看见乌云 有光透进来

终于 不再畏惧 那些黑暗
你的体谅 就是 无穷的爱
虽然我像 背水一战 有一线生机


─────── English Lyrics ───────

When loneliness kindles emotions, 
I try to seek help,
 Yet the signal remains unsent.
After all, I barely have anything—
I own nothing.

I’ve seen the fire rise high,
 And I’ve tried every way to stop the flames.
 Bit by bit, I’ve tasted the cure—
It’s bitter, yet healing never feels sure.

We think turning away is a way to care, Like most of us, leaving the wound untouched.
 We expect the sky to be forever bright,
 Yet long for the clouds to fade from sight.

It’s so hard to make peace within—
My craving for love is the root of my fear. Though I step forward slowly, 
Where there’s a silver lining, I will not walk away.

A hero is not what I aspire to be.
 All the time I falter and fail.
 And I resist loss with loss in turn—
It’s only in weakness that I feel I burn.

If redemption calls my name, 
What must I do to stake my claim?
 Will the days find steadier ground?
 Then I can live with puzzles unsolved.

We think turning away is a way to care,
Like most of us, leaving the wound untouched.
 We expect the sky to be forever bright,
 Yet long for the clouds to fade from sight.

It’s so hard to make peace within—
My craving for love is the root of my fear.
Though I step forward slowly,
 Where there’s a silver lining, I will not walk away.
 I will never walk away.

But if we learn to stand in each other’s place,
 Would the restless doubts erase?
The world was dim yesterday,
 Yet through the clouds, light shines in.

No longer will I fear the dark—
Your embrace is an endless light.
 Though I fight with my back to the wall, 
Where there’s a silver lining, There, I will exist.

───────工作人员名单 ───────

演唱人 Artist:谢震廷 Eli Hsieh
制作人 Producer :谢震廷 Eli Hsieh
作词 Lyricist :葛大为 David Ke、谢震廷 Eli Hsieh
作曲 Composer :谢震廷 Eli Hsieh
编曲 Arrangement:柯遵毓 Jack Ko、谢震廷 Eli Hsieh、卢思蒨 Szu-Chien Lu
制作协力 Production Assistant :柯遵毓 Jack Ko
音乐统筹 Music Production Supervisor:谢震廷 Eli Hsieh
配唱制作人 Vocal Producer:谢震廷 Eli Hsieh
配唱制作协力 Vocal Edit Engineer:林正 Jan Lin
和声编写 Background Vocal Arrangement:徐靖玟 ChingWen、谢震廷 Eli Hsieh
和声 Backing Vocal:徐靖玟 ChingWen、谢震廷 Eli Hsieh
鼓 Drums:张家诚 ChiaChen Chang
低音吉他 Bass:柯遵毓 Jack Ko
吉他 Guitars:谢震廷 Eli Hsieh、柯遵毓 Jack Ko
滑棒吉他 Lap Steel Guitar:林建文 Kevin Lin
曼陀铃 Mandolin: 林建文 Kevin Lin
合成器 Synthesizer:平安 Piin-Ann、谢震廷 Eli Hsieh
弦乐 Strings :涵都卢弦乐制造所 Handle Strings
弦乐编写 Strings Arranger:卢思蒨 Szu-Chien Lu
小提琴 Violin:卢思蒨 Szu-Chien Lu、沈羿彣 Yi Wen Shen
中提琴 Viola:卢思璇 Tze-Hsuan Lu
大提琴 Cello:沈诗培 Shih-Pei Shen
录音室 Recording Studio :荒原录音室 Wasteland Studio、阿尔吉侬音乐工作室 Algernon Music Studio
录音工程师 Recording Engineer :谢震廷 Eli Hsieh、柯遵毓 Jack Ko、李咏恩 Joshua Lee、刘又熊 Liu Yu Hsiung
混音师 Mixing Engineer:康小白 Shiro Kou、谢震廷 Eli Hsieh
母带后期处理制作人 Mastering Producer:谢震廷 Eli Hsieh
母带后期处理混音师 Mastering Engineer:康小白 Shiro Kou
混音 / 母带后期处理录音室 Mixing / Mastering Studio:结尾妖精声音工程 Ending Fairy Audio Engineering

Special Thanks
林宥嘉 Yoga Lin、陈建骐 George Chen、张御庭 Tyler Chang

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