Brusselee&RAinball 开始录音 (Prod. Keano Quinn)
Brusselee&RAinball 开始录音 (Prod. Keano Quinn)

Brusselee&RAinball 开始录音 (Prod. Keano Quinn)


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Brusselee&RAinball 开始录音 (Prod. Keano Quinn)

Brusselee&RAinball 开始录音 (Prod. Keano Quinn)


发表时间 2023-12-25




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歌词 动态歌词

yeah she wanna
pull me to the fire
but I never gonna
down bad
go back to these ho
wearing all designer
b7, a gold digger
I don't wanna get signed
yeah, you know
I don't wanna turn into a lonely soul
Waiting for your morning call, baby
Your heart is freezing cold
No more miracle
yeah she wanna
pull me to the fire
but I never gonna
down bad
go back to these ho
wearing all designer
b7, a gold digger
I don't wanna get signed
yeah, you know
I don't wanna turn into a lonely soul
Waiting for your morning call, baby
Your heart is freezing cold
No more miracle
when you said you gon never find the ride
OK fine
I knew that you been telling all bout lies
yeah, I'm right
All that just for your bye
how can you still be mine
I trust you one more time
But my feelings you never realize
Said she owes me once
I'm not the only one
baby gon cope me on
you said it all about me
yeah she's all around me
I'm so tired of this sheet
god damn
yeah she wanna
pull me to the fire
but I never gonna
down bad
go back to these ho
wearing all designer
b7, a gold digger
I don't wanna get signed
yeah, you know
I don't wanna turn into a lonely soul
Waiting for your morning call, baby
Your heart is freezing cold
No more miracle

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