阿白是一位来自台湾的独立创作歌手。她的音乐深受许多曲风影响,包含Indie Pop、Indie Folk、Alternative Rock、Funk、Lo-fi 、Jazz等等。她的嗓音温暖中带点慵懒、疗愈中夹杂了几分心碎。在人生经历重大挫折时开始拿起吉他写歌疗愈自我。小心收纳好自己的碎片,用最纯粹的旋律,将最赤裸的自己都放进歌里。期待听见歌的人,也都能诚实面对自己。
Coral is an indie singer-songwriter based in Taiwan. Her music draws deep inspiration from a variety of genres such as indie pop, indie folk, alternative rock, funk, lo-fi, jazz and more. Her vocals carry a warm, mellow tone, blending healing melodies with a hint of heartache. She pours her profound emotions into her music, infusing each melody with the narratives of her personal life.
IG/FB/YT @abai0731