Will you let me demo
Will you let me demo

Will you let me demo


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Will you let me demo

Will you let me demo

Din Cheung 张殿星
Din Cheung 张殿星

发表时间 2012-12-27


I can't sing what you're thinking
But I'm singing this to you
I don't know you much but I know I'm into you.

if you are lost in the forest
i will be your compass who guide you through the night
hold my hand, i will make sure you sleep tight

Open your heart and let it breath
I will build you a flourish garden
With peaceful ocean , blue as the sky
Something simple, for you and I
If you let me... Will you let me?

I promise I'll protect you
from the scary monster that drag you away from me
Do You know?
you are the light to simple life.

...查看更多 收起

Karen Chen
