窒息 Suffocate
窒息 Suffocate

窒息 Suffocate

Rock迷航 Lost in Life

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窒息 Suffocate

窒息 Suffocate

漂流木乐团 Driftwood
漂流木乐团 Driftwood

发表时间 2016-11-26


I am suffocated
when the great depression fall on my breast
Do you ever know you are breathing
Do you still think nothing took place

I feel so empty in my inner
Even I work hard on my favorite
Do you know why it seems that
We need something necessary

Somebody deceived me
Somebody deceived himself
If you can't see this side
The world you know is a portion

Don't masquerade
Will you still evade to linger on?
Is there any self evident reason?
Don't ask me
Will we find the invisible thing?
Is there any spontaneous motive

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