Fad - Starry Memory
Fad - Starry Memory

Fad - Starry Memory

AlternativeFad official demo

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Fad - Starry Memory

Fad - Starry Memory


发表时间 2012-08-28



You press the shutter
The light prints the history
Sight, scent, time carve the memory
When you go inside, screen the slice of life
Dim or Bright, Black or White
You’ll keep what you like but you’ll be reluctant to drop the unliked

Memory is like vitamin
Once in a while if you take it
It makes you happy, moody, angry and healthy
Memory can be a poison
If you abuse in and out of season
Your heart, your mind, your life will be imprisoned

The past is where you learned
The future is where you should apply what you have learned
Things will become good at the end
If it’s not now, that means it’s not the end
No, stop crying for the past
No, as tears will block your eyes for shining stars

Memory is like vitamin
Once in a while if you take it
It makes you happy, moody, angry and healthy
Memory can be a poison
If you abuse in and out of season
Your heart, your mind, your life will be imprisoned
Memory will be the stars
They burn up and ignite the dark
Focus and press the shutter

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