一首带点cynical and ironical(犬儒与反讽)色彩的都会蓝调社会写真歌曲,不妨听听看,如有雷同,笑笑就好。
Her Mr. Right Is Always Ahead
(她的Mr. Right 永远在前方)
The Woman He’d like to Date
Their Mr. and Miss Right
词 大国Gordon Tseng 曲 Gordon Tseng & Bob Tone 编曲 Bob Tone 演唱 大国
She believed what she had read,
Her Mr. Right is always ahead.
She believed what is said,
The roses out there are always red.
When she was 20, lying on her pinky bed, she dreamed about a nice-looking head.
When she was 30, she longed for a man with a potential career to let her future be fed.
Turning 40, she still thought she deserved a guy with a decent title or tons of bread.
Now, she’s passed 50 and only asks for a mate who won’t soon be deaf, or dead.
She believed what she had read,
Her Mr. Right is always ahead.
She believed what is said,
The roses out there are always red.
For him, love is never too late.
It’s easy to find a woman he’d like to date.
For him, love is the mission and fate.
It’s easy to find someone he’d like to wait.
When he was a boy, he dreamed about a rosy face adorably dressed by beautiful lace.
When he was 30, he longed for a passionate lover who can fall in love at a faster pace.
Turning 40, he preferred a lady knowing the difference between grimness and grace.
Now, he has passed 50, all he asks for is an exciting body and a few pills just in case.
For him, love is never too late.
It’s easy to find a woman he’d like to date.
For him, love is the mission and fate.
It’s easy to find someone he’d like to wait.
For him, love is never too late.
For him, love is the mission and fate.
Her Mr. Right is always ahead.
The roses out there are always red.
(来自大国Gordon Tseng的英文诗集)