Shine in our way
Shine in our way

Shine in our way

Singer / Songwriter一起待在家

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Shine in our way

Shine in our way

Helen 海伦
Helen 海伦

发表时间 2021-07-31


人海茫茫 寻觅的路上

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Sometimes life just go upside down
And you're the one who's chasing around
Sometimes the rain just didn't stop pouring down
Put you again when you try to reach out
Sometimes you just meet some people around
Who eventually beat you on the ground
And they tore your heart into pieces
And those pieces help you to grow up

So keep trying
keep believing
Even it's hard to achieve
Look inside in the mirror
promise to break those rumors or so
So keep trying
keep believing
Look up to the sky and you'll see
We all stardust in the world and will
shine in our way

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