Just be you
Just be you

Just be you

Singer / Songwriter一起待在家

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Just be you

Just be you

Helen 海伦
Helen 海伦

发表时间 2022-05-28


rain keeps pouring
I'm riding my scooter deep into the mist
passing through the little shadows from the tree
sooner later run into the hill
the oozy dirt made me exhausted and also looked a little wired
I thought it's dumb to pretend I didn't even notice
suddenly the water poured again from the puddle of the tree
I laughed out loud
shake my head
keep on moving moving

you can just be you
make it simple and it's true

you should just be you
look into the mirror and you can see it through

you should just be you
embrace yourself you know it
the heart tells the truth

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