Hold Me Again (dm
Hold Me Again (dm

Hold Me Again (dm

R&B / Soul

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Hold Me Again (dm

Hold Me Again (dm


发表时间 2021-11-16



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歌词 动态歌词

Why people could fall in love
but leave so easily
Nobody told you that you have
everything what i need

But i can’t take it all,for worse or better
i just wanna close you more

Take my hand,till the end
Let me guess what you wanna say
Can you stay , hold again
Don’t pretend that you don’t care

Look at the mirrors , a puff of smoke
i just wanted nice things other people had
and don’t wanna feel low
i don’t think i’m sorry for that we messed up

But i can’t take it all,for worse or better
i just wanna close you more

Take my hand,till the end
Let me guess what you wanna say
Can you stay , hold again
Don’t pretend that you don’t care

Take my hand,till the end
Let me guess what you wanna say
Can you stay , hold again
Don’t pretend that you don’t care

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加昱 Blue

先卡一波 以后爆红我就是有品味ㄉ人??