Rise up
Rise up

Rise up

Singer / Songwriter

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发表时间 2024-10-16



All done by Jennifer

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Verse 1:
When the world feels heavy, and you're sinking low,当世界变得沉重,你感到陷入低谷

When the road ahead is long, and you don't know where to go,当前方的路漫长,你不知道该走向何方

Hold your head up, don't be afraid to try on抬起头,不要害怕去尝试

You've got the strength inside heart, just let your spirit fly.你内心拥有力量,只需让你的灵魂自由飞翔

Rise up, let your heart be the guide, Never give up your mind.振作起来,让你的心成为指引,永远不要放弃你的信念

Up, with every step you take, you're closer to the light,每一步向上走,你离光明更近

The storms may come, and the nights are cold,风暴可能来临,夜晚或许寒冷

But in your heart, there's a fire.但你心中有一团火焰

Rise up, you're gonna be alright.振作起来,你会没事的


Verse 2:
Don't you lose your way, in the shadows of the night,不要在黑夜的阴影中迷失方向

Keep your dreams alive, and reach for the sky.保持梦想,伸手触碰天空

When the doubts start creeping in, and you feel you're all alone,当疑虑开始悄悄袭来,你感到孤单无助

You're a warrior, you stand up tall, your heart is a stone,你是一名战士,站得高昂,你的心如磐石坚定

Rise up, let your heart be the guide, Never give up your mind.振作起来,让你的心成为指引,永远不要放弃你的信念

Up, with every step you take, you're closer to the light,每一步向上走,你离光明更近

Rise up, you're gonna be alright.振作起来,你会没事的

Let the world hear your voice,让世界听见你的声音

This is your moment, you've got a choice.这是你的时刻,你有选择的权利

I’ll fight, I’ll never bow,我会战斗,我永远不会屈服

I rise up, higher than before.我会振作,比以前更高

Watch me do this, watch me got this.看著我做到,看看我掌控一切

Watch me wear the crown.看我戴上皇冠

I was depressed, had no courage,我曾经沮丧,毫无勇气

But now you see me I am proud.但现在我骄傲无比

You think you know me, but I’m full of surprise,你以为你了解我,但我充满惊喜

Watch me rise up, no you can’t dim my skies.看我振作起来,没有人能遮蔽我的天空

I wear my struggles like a badge of pride,我把我的困境当作荣誉的象征

Can’t break my spirit, no can’t make me hide.无法摧毁我的精神,也无法让我隐藏

I’m stronger than ever, now here it’s my time to shine.我比以往更强大,现在是我闪耀的时刻

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