麦仔 Maizai
麦仔 Maizai

麦仔 Maizai

Singer / Songwriter

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麦仔 Maizai

麦仔 Maizai

Francis Tsai 法兰
Francis Tsai 法兰

发表时间 2022-10-20


作词:Francis Tsai 法兰
作曲:Francis Tsai 法兰

麦仔是Francis在麦当劳捡到的米克斯狗狗,它为了跟Francis回家追著摩托车超过1.2公里的考验, 成功找到归处!

虽然已经去当天使狗狗了, 但Francis与麦仔相处的过程有许多欢乐,它贴心的陪伴Francis从念书到出社会的时光,让这首歌承载了很多的美好回忆。

这首刻意用Bossa Nova的轻快曲风,背后满满的弦乐满溢著幸福感,仿佛整首歌中麦仔一直在里面轻盈的奔跑,最后满满嘉年华感的丰满乐音,也为它一生的丰富美好画下句点。


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You have run all night ,  to be part of my life.
Didn’t we both know
You’re a gift to me, we were meant to be. 
You were the one who taught me to love selflessly 

You have walked me through every precious moment.
Share the joy and the changes of my life.
I was lucky to be loved by a soul mate, like you….

When i think of you,
it’s like the morning coffee i desire
Like the warmth of sun in winter time
Make me feel so right
When i think of you,
I’ll remember how i have been loved.
It would put a smile on my face

When i think of you.

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Green 乙乙

好轻快舒服的一首歌,虽然关于狗狗的故事有点悲伤,但还是很谢谢这首歌带来的美好体验~ :)