【耶诞の特集】💜Christmas Wish 耶诞节の愿望
【耶诞の特集】💜Christmas Wish 耶诞节の愿望

【耶诞の特集】💜Christmas Wish 耶诞节の愿望

ElectronicJeremy Hammony

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【耶诞の特集】💜Christmas Wish 耶诞节の愿望

【耶诞の特集】💜Christmas Wish 耶诞节の愿望

Jeremy Hammony 吉若米
Jeremy Hammony 吉若米

发表时间 2023-12-22


一个伟大的时期即将来临,期望正在逐渐转变为现实。🎄 准备迎接耶诞节の魔法 🎶

A great period is coming, and expectations are gradually turning into reality. Get ready for the Magic of Christmas 🎄

★ 专辑简介 : "耶诞の特集" 是 Jeremy Hammony 最新圣诞节の礼物,这张专辑如同一场魔法冒险,每一曲都是耶诞节の贺礼。从新世界的建设者到星际旅人的聚会,带入充满祝福的音乐旅程。一同感受耶诞节の魔法,迎接新一年的繁荣。

★ Album introduction: "Christmas Special" is Jeremy Hammony's latest Christmas gift. This album is like a magical adventure, and every song is a gift on Christmas. From builders of the new worlds to gatherings of interstellar travelers, take a musical journey filled with blessings. Feel the magic of Christmas together and welcome the prosperity of the new year.


Let's go back 10 years ago, they are now in their own past, and this point in time is exactly the time they are in. We believe you have enough wisdom and ability to join us. This is a rare opportunity to become the "builder of the new world" in the future. They need to take the key back to the future, and to a point in time in the future when people are studying it.

Our diplomatic envoy

🔻Tracklist🔻Youtube: https://youtu.be/pNBbKg5uiqw
01 00:00:00 新世界的建设者 Builders of the New World
02 00:04:10 寿星 Long live star
03 00:08:15 耶诞节の愿望 Christmas wish
04 00:12:25 耶诞节の魔法 Magic of Christmas
05 00:16:28 星际旅人の聚会 The Gathering of Interstellar Traveler
06 00:20:36 繁荣 Prosper

🎵 音乐制作资讯 🎵

更新日期: 2023/12/21
制作公司: 蓝船方舟娱乐工业
录制日期: 12 - 18 - 23, 8.18.08 AM
制作人: Jeremy Hammony
设计: Sawoozer© 2023 +AKITIPE STUDIOS

🎉 订阅 Jeremy Hammony 的Youtube频道,享受圣诞节的时光!🎉 www.jubileestore.net

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