Allow me to reintroduce myself -- My name is J. N. C. O.
...查看更多 收起J. N. C. O.
Allow me to reintroduce myself my name is
J N to the C O
If you don't know, you better ask somebody
If I gosta play, Immal play till I win (I can rock party like nobody!)
J means Jay-Z
N that means Nas
C is Common
O i think you know Us
准备好的人 现在跟我走
我告诉你个故事 过河就别回头
我从哪里来? 当你还在睡
Not a playa but i rap a lot
Like Big Pun 但我帅气像 the Rock
我发光像太阳 但你像营火
JL and Jnco = Justin and Timbo
我知道你上 google searching 我的 Info
So amazing My flow is changing
我换档速度超过 法拉利的 Engine
In case you dont know that I rock Stanford
听完这首之后 我想你会记得
Allow me to reintroduce myself my name is
J N to the C O
If you don't know, you better ask somebody
If I gosta play, Imma play till I win (I can rock party like nobody!)
老妈抱歉 i blast the mic
All the ladies pass tha weed to your right
我看到 A-Cup B-Cup C-Cup D
你想要看我 beat box 没问题
From the Def Hype, Now tell me 现在谁最屌
谁拿著麦克风 谁又在当配角
谁上场得分 谁又在提饮料
借你我 Rhyme Book 省得跟我请教
不要嫌我太呛 手下的败将
文 武 双 全 你点名我自首
伯乐说我是宝马 但你只是狗
去年的现在 我还懒得出手
锦囊的妙计 I just dont talk
Allow me to reintroduce myself my name is
J N to the C O
If you don't know, you better ask somebody
If I gosta play, Immal play till I win (I can rock party like nobody!)
hahah dope.. man, how u gusy always manage to come up w/ sick beat, sick rymth, sick songs like this haha.. is nto fair to ppl like mike.. haha jk.. dude, ur stuff are off the hook, i know i keep repeating myself but that is because i really have no proper word to describe the feeling after listening to the music u guys make! haha makes me so freaking insignificant!! dammit, just give me some time i aint' gonna trail this far behind no more! =) !! keep it up.. nice chorus by the way haah sick remix.. i honestly thought u were bout to re-rap Jay-z's song haha.. .. oh by the way.. that rymth book u mentioned in ur song.. can u pass a copy ova?! haha.. neawi.. dope shit bro.!
谢干 $hitGanGan
<P>外面传双J恋其实是真的吧 </P>
<P> 你还在歌的最后表白了</P>
<P>你这样子 继续下去怎么得了!!!</P>
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谢干 $hitGanGan
<P>那准备好会社的人呢 去闹事了啦<IMG src="" border=0 mce_src=""></P>