Can You Hear Me
Can You Hear Me

Can You Hear Me


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Can You Hear Me

Can You Hear Me


发表时间 2022-02-26


石桥乐队|《Can You Hear Me》
Can you hear me是听不见回答的问话,是时光荏苒而不留的证明,是多巴胺作祟后的逃离,是滚烫情感收尾的体面,也是无数次的难以言喻......
我们之间曾经承载过许多坚不可摧的情绪与回忆,风带走我的喃喃自语,Can you hear me?


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[00:08.684]Can You Hear Me?
[00:35.685]i dont know
[00:38.184]if you can hear me now
[00:41.684]just feel lonlely should i come home?
[00:42.934]只感到寂寞 也许我该回家
[00:49.683]i dont want see you crying face
[00:55.183]like cold rain dropping on my wound
[01:02.183]i think you know i‘m also in pain
[01:04.434]我想你也知道 我也一直在痛苦中
[01:08.934]But i just can’t find the way
[01:15.433]i think you know it‘s hard to say what hurts
[01:17.934]我想你也知道 很难描述 如此的疼痛
[01:21.434]please forgive me baby dont miss me
[01:22.934]请原谅我宝贝 不要忘了我
[01:24.934]dont drive over me drive over me anymore
[01:40.683]and you all alone baby in this cold night
[01:43.934]在这个冷夜 你孑然一人
[01:53.934]how could you say that i never need you baby
[01:57.184]你如何能说出 我从来就未曾需要你
[02:06.433]baby i‘m leaving please leave me alone
[02:13.933]那就让我离开吧 让我独自一人
[02:21.433]and what more could you ask from me
[02:40.684]i dont know
[02:42.934]if you can hear me now
[02:46.684]just feel lonlely should i come home?
[02:52.183]只感到寂寞 也许我该回家了吧
[02:53.933]i dont want see you crying face
[02:59.933]like cold rain dropping on my wound
[03:06.933]i think you know i‘m also in pain
[03:10.183]我想你也知道 我也一直在痛苦中
[03:13.934]but i just can’t find the way
[03:20.433]i think you know it‘s hard to say what hurts
[03:23.683]我想你也知道 很难描述 如此的疼痛
[03:26.433]please forgive me baby dont miss me
[03:29.433]请原谅我宝贝 不要忘了我
[03:32.183]dont drive over me drive over me anymore
[03:45.682]and you all alone baby in this cold night
[03:48.184]在这个冷夜 你孑然一人
[03:58.933]how could you say that i never need you baby
[04:05.183]你如何能说出 我从来就未曾需要你
[04:11.933]baby i‘m leaving please leave me alone
[04:17.434]那就让我离开吧 让我独自一人
[04:26.432]and what more could you ask from me
[04:38.934]could you ask from me?
[04:45.682]could you ask from me?
[04:52.183]could you ask from me...........



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