move on
move on

move on


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move on

move on


发表时间 2008-01-20


constellation has told me
we were so meant to be
back to the time when we were still friends
giggling and tittering

now that you've gone
I have no arms to lean on
nobody there for me to hug
or cheer me up when I'm down

anticipating your homecoming
expecting your embrace
still there sitting, waiting, daydreaming
without even knowing it's in vain

how could you be so mean
turn your back on me
leaving me weeping so helplessly
leaving me overwhelmed by bitterness

so I let go of you
give up the worship for you
do you feel released
do you feel free

I dry my tears, fake my smile
stop wondering what I've done wrong
move on with my head down
move on with this sad song

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