歌词内容主要是赞扬我最欣赏的女音乐人Alicia Keys在蓝调流行音乐的地位
so副歌旋律放入"How Come You Don't Call Me"
I luv the Blues, and hope you too! ^^
...查看更多 收起You've taught me how to write a song with energy in Blues.
A world without the songs from you can't imagine rude and cruel.
A man like me gonna try all the best
who wouldn't try to make you down. No~
A girl like you should be worthy of all the flames
just down all my knees, cherish your gift
from the angel of the Blues.
I on earth made the music on my own.
I owe you once, Alicia Keys.
Words been meaningless if you don't put in the lyrics for your songs.
The nights been so long without the rythm named Keys' flavors.
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