刘羽飞 Kira,环境音乐与极简音乐家,其作品以细腻的声音层次与流动的情感结构著称。毕业于柏林艺术大学 (Universität der Künste Berlin),她的创作深受欧洲当代声音艺术氛围的启发,并融入东方哲学对自然与和谐的理解。
Kira 擅长将自然界的环境音融入极简主义的旋律之中,创造出犹如冥想般的音乐空间。她的音乐像是一场声音的旅程,探索时间与空间交错的微妙瞬间,带领听众感受自然界中难以察觉的细微声响,并引发内心的深层共鸣。
Kira Liu is an artist specializing in ambient and minimalist music, renowned for her meticulous sound layers and fluid emotional structures. A graduate of the Universität der Künste Berlin, her creations are deeply inspired by the contemporary sound art atmosphere of Europe, seamlessly infused with Eastern philosophy’s emphasis on nature and harmony.
Kira excels at integrating environmental sounds from the natural world into minimalist melodies, crafting music spaces akin to meditative experiences. Her works are like sonic journeys, exploring the subtle intersections of time and space, allowing listeners to perceive the imperceptible nuances of nature and evoke profound inner resonance.