南回线,亦称南回铁路,是由屏东线枋寮乡绕过台湾南端到台东的一段铁路。由于尚未电气化,因而成为少数还行驶著普通车的路线。 普通车,亦称普通快车,是光复后最主要的客车,后来逐渐被电气化、较快速、有冷气的车型取代。这一系列普快车能够打开窗户、转座位方向、车顶有电扇,并因其蓝色的外观,又常被称为蓝皮普快。 南回铁路加上蓝皮普快,因其路线风景宜人,再加上车厢的自然风,受到部分人士喜爱。 南回铁路由于东部干线电气化后受到好评,因此也开始规划电气化的工程。 这首歌,献给装载著我们回忆行驶在南回铁路上的蓝皮普快。希望那能用肉眼确认的风景、用肌肤感受的微风,会永远在那里。 South-link Line is a railway travels through the southern part of Taiwan, which starts from Fanglio, Pingtung to Taitong city. Since it has not electrified yet, it becomes the last few lines in Taiwan that still runs ordinary train. Ordinary Train is the main train in the early days of Taiwan Restoration. It has been replaced by electrified, air-conditioned, faster trains now. There are openable …