Black Panther
Black Panther

Black Panther

R&B / Soul

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Black Panther

Black Panther


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发表时间 2023-07-05



从 2022 年的〈Holiday Only〉尾声大合唱开始,LINION 立志当一位能带你快乐高歌的大男孩。在社群上,他以“梨长”身份分享生活、和“梨民”对话;在音乐里,则擅用松活的 neo-soul 节奏,让指尖低频化作鞋底气垫,垫著你走过生活里的崎路砾石。

走出蓝色的 335 号房,走过逍遥的放空之旅,2023 年 LINION 第三张专辑开门单曲〈Black Panther〉,要叼走你心底的不安全感。

LINION 回忆,年初某天散步街边,偶然看见路边的胖小子,走起路来意气风发、无忧无虑,忽然想起小时候胖胖的自己也曾如此自在,关于什么才是完美的样子,毫不在意。于是有了这首歌,当作一场告解,让音乐里原谅的魔力,隔绝世界的眼光、卸下你我积年累月的武装。

〈Black Panther〉和那部英雄电影并没有直接关联,曲名其实是以他心底的守护灵“黑豹”为发想。他认为,“黑豹”未必如大家所预想的那么凶狠孤傲,反而像只大猫,喜欢撒娇、默默陪伴;那轻轻一跳便能匿踪的猫步,可以敏锐地运走我们的不快乐,就像这首歌一样。

〈Black Panther〉由锺潍宇制作、LINION 及键盘手少瑜共同编曲;节奏部除了好伙伴雷擎的打击乐,还特别邀请到 Instagram 拥有十万人追踪的鼓手 Bianca Richardson 录音。身为 LINION 在美国学音乐的同学,Bianca Richardson 曾与 Marcus Miller、Her、Moonchild 等顶尖音乐人合作,她自信的灵魂鼓击,正是这首歌牢不可摧的泛合金骨架。

Since the release of “Holiday Only” in 2022, a lighthearted and soulful track dedicated to the post-pandemic era, LINION aims to be the happy-go-lucky guy who brings you happiness as you blissfully burst into song and dance with him.
On social media, nicknamed “LI-der (a play on ‘leader’) by his fans, LINION often chats with and shares his daily life with them. In his music, he artfully uses loose and relaxed neo-soul rhythms, turning the sounds from his fingertips into cushioning soles that help fans walk through the rough patches of life.
With each new work, LINION brings a new dimension to his audiences. From the reserved and melancholic blue hues of 2018’s Me in Dat Blue to the spirited and carefree journeys of 2020’s Leisurely, in 2023, LINION returns with the lead single “Black Panther” from his long-awaited third album. “Black Panther” is here to chase away all your insecurities!
LINION recalls a day earlier this year when he saw a chubby boy walking down the street, full of spirit and carefree. The incident reminded him of how he used to be, chubby but confident and not bothered by what was considered the perfect image. So, he wrote this song as a revelation, letting the forgiving power of music isolate the world's gaze and strip away the armor we have accumulated over the years.
"Black Panther'' has no direct connection to the Marvel superhero movie. The song title was inspired by the spirit animal in LINION's heart, the "black panther." LINION believes the black panther is not necessarily as fierce and aloof as everyone thinks but more like a big cat who likes to cuddle and quietly stays by our side. With a single jump, the feline can disappear without a trace, its light footsteps taking away all our unhappiness, just like this song.
"Black Panther" was produced by Golden Melody Award-nominated musician Wei-Yu Chung and co-arranged by LINION and keyboardist Shao Yu. The rhythm section not only featured percussion by good friend and Best New Artist-nominee L8ching, but LINION also invited his former Musicians Institute classmate Bianca Richardson. Richardson is a talented drummer with over 100,000 followers on Instagram and has worked with top musicians such as Marcus Miller, H.E.R., and Moonchild. Her confident and soulful drumming is the indestructible Vibranium core of "Black Panther."

Black Panther_Credit

制作人Producer:LINION / 锺潍宇Yu
作曲 Composer: LINION
作词 Lyricist: LINION
编曲Arranger:LINION / 张少瑜Charles Chang
和声编写BV Arranger:LINION / 锺潍宇Yu
吉他Guitar:LINION / 翁光炜Wico Weng
电钢琴Electric Piano:张少瑜Charles Chang
合成器Synthesizer:张少瑜Charles Chang
鼓Drums:Bianca Richardson
贝斯&人声录音师Bass & Vocals Recording Engineer:锺潍宇Yu
贝斯&人声录音室Bass & Vocals Recording Studio:BB Road Studio / 89 studio
打击乐器录音师Percussions Recording Engineer:沈冠霖 SHENB
打击乐器录音室Percussions Recording Studio:BB Road Studio
人声编辑 Vocal Editing:游景棠Don Yu
混音师Mixing Engineer:庄钧智Thomas Chuang
混音室Mixing Studio:完美声音Perfect Sound Studio
母带后期处理工程师Mastering Engineer:庄钧智Thomas Chuang
母带后期处理工作室Mastering Studio:完美声音Perfect Sound Studio

OP: 嘿黑豹工作室
SP: Sony Music Publishing (Pte) Ltd. Taiwan Branch

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These days
谁给的期待 留下了遗憾
Just like 困在人海

Never mind
压低身体在等待 伺机而动出击
脚步放慢 接受不安

Free my soul
Free your soul
What you waiting for

原谅自己吧 别害怕
他们说的话 听听就好啦
原谅自己吧 别害怕
他们说的话 就忘了吧

只奢望能够脑袋空空 暂时的解脱
Gotta know 记得生活

Free my soul
Free your soul
What you waiting for

原谅自己吧 别害怕
他们说的话 听听就好啦
原谅自己吧 别害怕
他们说的话 就忘了吧
Just Walking
Walking like a Panther
Just Walking
Walking like a Panther
Just Walking
Walking like a Panther
Just Walking
Walking like a Panther

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