Warrior (demo)
Warrior (demo)

Warrior (demo)

RockHope (demo)

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Warrior (demo)

Warrior (demo)

The Mystics
The Mystics

发表时间 2022-06-14


The time has come my friend
To make my final stand
I know now that I will fall
In this forsaken land

I don’t know why
I’ve been sent to die
I’d dream of things to do
If I could survive

The bullets fall like tears
I’ve wasted all these years
Givin power to
All my darkest fears

If you could see my face
You too would hate this place
A true disgrace to all
All the human race

The time has come now
I hear the drums sound
I won’t have fear when
My body hits the ground

When my life ends
Please don’t mourn my death
Just keep on fighting
The good fight, my friend

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