Youth is dump truck 青春渣土车
Youth is dump truck 青春渣土车

Youth is dump truck 青春渣土车


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Youth is dump truck 青春渣土车

Youth is dump truck 青春渣土车

wenhui.Luo 罗文辉
wenhui.Luo 罗文辉

发表时间 2024-09-20

歌词 动态歌词

一夜没睡的清晨我走在街上 I walked on the street in the early morning without sleeping all night
就像掉落的树叶孤独和凄凉 Like fallen leaves, lonely and desolate
一路狂奔到最后才看见高墙 I ran all the way until I finally saw the high wall
我的生活和幸福是相反方向 My life and happiness are in opposite directions
我的青春就像渣土车 My youth is like a dump truck
刚刚起步就遍地是坎坷 At the beginning, there were obstacles everywhere
背着大山一路往前行 Carrying a mountain all the way forward
灰头土脸我看不清本色 I can't see my true colors with a dusty face
青春就像XXX 渣土车 Youth is like a hated dump truck
没看清它就呼啸着走远了 Without seeing it clearly, it roared away
卷起满天的尾气和风沙 Roll up exhaust fumes and sandstorms all over the sky
留下回忆是刺鼻的酸涩 Leaving memories is a pungent sourness
一直没忘的她呀如今在何方 Where is she now, the one I have never forgotten
是否还会记得我当初的模样 Will you still remember what I looked like back then
一生漂泊只剩下空空的行囊 A lifetime of wandering, leaving only an empty bag
回到故乡我依然孤独地流浪 Returning to my hometown, I still vagranc alone
我的青春就像渣土车 My youth is like a dump truck
刚刚起步就遍地是坎坷 At the beginning, there were obstacles everywhere
背着大山一路往前行 Carrying a mountain all the way forward
灰头土脸我看不清本色 I can't see my true colors with a dusty face
青春就像XXX 渣土车 Youth is like a hated dump truck
没看清它就呼啸着走远了 Without seeing it clearly, it roared away
卷起满天的尾气和风沙 Roll up exhaust fumes and sandstorms all over the sky
留下回忆是刺鼻的酸涩 Leaving memories is a pungent sourness
我的青春就像渣土车 My youth is like a dump truck
刚刚起步就遍地是坎坷 At the beginning, there were obstacles everywhere
背着大山一路往前行 Carrying a mountain all the way forward
灰头土脸我看不清本色 I can't see my true colors with a dusty face
青春就像XXX 渣土车 Youth is like a hated dump truck
没看清它就呼啸着走远了 Without seeing it clearly, it roared away
卷起满天的尾气和风沙 Roll up exhaust fumes and sandstorms all over the sky
留下回忆是刺鼻的酸涩 Leaving memories is a pungent sourness
一夜没睡的清晨我走在街上 I walked on the street in the early morning without sleeping all night
就像掉落的树叶孤独和凄凉 Like fallen leaves, lonely and desolate
一直没忘的她呀如今在何方 Where is she now, the one I have never forgotten
是否还会记得我当初的模样 Will you still remember what I looked like back then

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