

个性尚可,无不良嗜好 (嗜睡算不算??);只要频道对了,可以很搞笑........

目前身平最了不起的成就就是半个星期内把“哈利波特”所有书一鼓作气看完(6本,每本好死不死都5~6公分厚).......相信我,我不是因为特别喜欢哈利,纯粹是肾上线素错乱,加上没有其他事好做,所以决定完成这项创举(就好比牛顿没事有事坐在苹果树下而探索到了地心引力原理....)。所以.....for those who want to kill time but have no idea what to Harry Potter!!....well there's always music too.......but you get the point....

以上简短的介绍你可能看也看不懂,或是根本不想理睬我。没关系,以后有的是时间再聊.....姆ㄚ 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈.......

"Gravity Rides Everything" by Modest Mouse

No one really cared for it at all
Not the gravity plan
Early, early in the morning
It pulls all on down my sore feet
I wanna go back to sleep
In the motions and the things that you say
It all will fall, fall right into place
As fruit drops, flesh it sags
Everything will fall right into place

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关于 mosqine


个性尚可,无不良嗜好 (嗜睡算不算??);只要频道对了,可以很搞笑........

目前身平最了不起的成就就是半个星期内把“哈利波特”所有书一鼓作气看完(6本,每本好死不死都5~6公分厚).......相信我,我不是因为特别喜欢哈利,纯粹是肾上线素错乱,加上没有其他事好做,所以决定完成这项创举(就好比牛顿没事有事坐在苹果树下而探索到了地心引力原理....)。所以.....for those who want to kill time but have no idea what to Harry Potter!!....well there's always music too.......but you get the point....

以上简短的介绍你可能看也看不懂,或是根本不想理睬我。没关系,以后有的是时间再聊.....姆ㄚ 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈.......

"Gravity Rides Everything" by Modest Mouse

No one really cared for it at all
Not the gravity plan
Early, early in the morning
It pulls all on down my sore feet
I wanna go back to sleep
In the motions and the things that you say
It all will fall, fall right into place
As fruit drops, flesh it sags
Everything will fall right into place