Ms Pearl
Ms Pearl

Ms Pearl

R&B / SoulR & B

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Ms Pearl

Ms Pearl

MuSik I
MuSik I

发表时间 2012-02-22


what a misery when u're not around baby 你不在我身边是多么痛苦

and u keep haunting when i shuffle my P3 我随机音乐 但你一直徘徊脑海

i swear i really can be whoever u want me to be 我发誓我真的能做到你想要我做的一切

and my pulse gon' stop cause u look so stunning 因为你无与伦比的美 我的脉搏将会停止

u the one of the kind and make my life complete 你是百里挑一 若有你我此生无憾

i feel that i am dying 感觉生不如死

please baby come back to me 宝贝 请回到我身边

back to me yeah 回到我身边

cause u drive me insane sane sane 因为你让我痴狂

cause u drive me insane sane sane 因为你让我痴狂

in all of the world u the only one i need 大千世界 只有你是我的必需品,

only girl i seek 我探索的女孩

cause u drive me insane sane sane 因为你让我痴狂

cause u drive me insane sane sane 因为你让我痴狂

in all of the world u the only one i meet 大千世界 你是我唯一的遇见,

only pearl i dig 我发掘的传世明珠

what a misery when u re not around baby 你不在我身边是多么痛苦

and u keep haunting when i shuffle my P3 我随机音乐 但你一直徘徊脑海

i swear i really can be whoever u want me to be 我发誓我真的能做到你想要我做的一切

for all the stupid things that i had done,just sorry 为我过去做的蠢事情,说声“对不起”

those movie scenes remind me of u and me 我们的故事曾如电影场景般进行

i feel that i am dying 感觉生不如死

please baby come back to me 宝贝 请回到我身边

back to me yeah 回到我身边

cause u drive me insane sane sane 因为你让我痴狂

cause u drive me insane sane sane 因为你让我痴狂

in all of the world u the only one i need 大千世界 只有你是我的必需品,

only girl i seek 我探索的女孩

cause u drive me insane sane sane 因为你让我痴狂

cause u drive me insane sane sane 因为你让我痴狂

in all of the world u the only one i meet 大千世界 你是我唯一的遇见,

only pearl i dig 我发掘的传世明珠

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what a misery when u're not around baby 你不在我身边是多么痛苦

and u keep haunting when i shuffle my P3 我随机音乐 但你一直徘徊脑海

i swear i really can be whoever u want me to be 我发誓我真的能做到你想要我做的一切

and my pulse gon' stop cause u look so stunning 因为你无与伦比的美 我的脉搏将会停止

u the one of the kind and make my life complete 你是百里挑一 若有你我此生无憾

i feel that i am dying 感觉生不如死

please baby come back to me 宝贝 请回到我身边

back to me yeah 回到我身边

cause u drive me insane sane sane 因为你让我痴狂

cause u drive me insane sane sane 因为你让我痴狂

in all of the world u the only one i need 大千世界 只有你是我的必需品,

only girl i seek 我探索的女孩

cause u drive me insane sane sane 因为你让我痴狂

cause u drive me insane sane sane 因为你让我痴狂

in all of the world u the only one i meet 大千世界 你是我唯一的遇见,

only pearl i dig 我发掘的传世明珠

what a misery when u re not around baby 你不在我身边是多么痛苦

and u keep haunting when i shuffle my P3 我随机音乐 但你一直徘徊脑海

i swear i really can be whoever u want me to be 我发誓我真的能做到你想要我做的一切

for all the stupid things that i had done,just sorry 为我过去做的蠢事情,说声“对不起”

those movie scenes remind me of u and me 我们的故事曾如电影场景般进行

i feel that i am dying 感觉生不如死

please baby come back to me 宝贝 请回到我身边

back to me yeah 回到我身边

cause u drive me insane sane sane 因为你让我痴狂

cause u drive me insane sane sane 因为你让我痴狂

in all of the world u the only one i need 大千世界 只有你是我的必需品,

only girl i seek 我探索的女孩

cause u drive me insane sane sane 因为你让我痴狂

cause u drive me insane sane sane 因为你让我痴狂

in all of the world u the only one i meet 大千世界 你是我唯一的遇见,

only pearl i dig 我发掘的传世明珠

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