how can u party, when kids in the mountain starvin'
their parents r hard workin'
but still no money for registeration
they tell me to be patient, buit i'm so anxious
to see what government can do, for the minority group
i'm just a youth, but u know i got some goals to persue
at least i wish for every family to have adequete food
they say that i'm a fool, thay tell me to stop dreamin'
to stop complainin' 'bout the things i have nothing to do with
mind ur own business, mama wants me to listen
but all i think about is how to kill a politian
drive by or potassium cianide,
man i wish i could slit them arteries with my own canine
this ain't just about homicide
but also justice for all of us in the air of the night
this ain't about any party of blue & green
but it's about the average life of u & me
these shit's gotta stop, & the trouble they bring
man it's about time to wake up if u know what i mean
你说你爱台湾 你说你问政最用心
是族群分裂 促使我们大家分离
是中饱私囊 是黑道贿选和黑金
你什么东西 把人民玩弄在你的掌心
你根本不怕 因为世界早就没有公理
人民的期许 在这里 在那里
还有未来所有希望 有没有放在心上 头
如果没有 我就要来舵你的龟头
这一刀 就代表台湾人的苦痛 yo
我不是小孩不要骗我看 东森幼幼
不是不报 你有一天会自食恶果
因为 迟早人民会站起来伸出拳头
到时候落地的 就会是 你的人头
饶舌念歌 这就是少年人的心声
你知道嘛 隔壁阿财他家过的生活
一个工人一个月 赚一万八而已
也有妻子 也有妈妈 每天要吃
明阿早月底 手头乾乾 是袂安怎
那个巷子口的阿婆 每天捡垃圾
这款的问题 我想你一定 看不到
有钱人在笑 不过我笑不出来因为贫穷人的生活就亲像一个dark night
if u feel me, taiwanese we gotta unite
power to the people together we can make things right.