在城市来回 不想打断 找寻自己的节奏感 找寻自己的节奏感
70秒红灯暗 不想前进 前方太混乱我逃不开 这么混乱我逃不开
I left in a hazy day ,and went along the endless road.
哪时候我才能找回 属于自己的布鞋
Even though the air is so stale that it'll strike us down before the next dawn.
也要绑紧鞋带 走出灰色迷雾
再棒的晚餐 被瓜分掉 看野狗跟野狗叫嚣 再吵大家都吃不到
白色的布鞋 值三百块 到底我走不走得完 人心设的重重障碍
I left in a hazy day ,and went along the endless road.
哪时候我才能找回 属于自己的布鞋
Even though the air is so stale that it'll strike us down before the next dawn.
也要绑紧鞋带 走出灰色迷雾~
I left in a hazy day ,and went along the endless road.
哪时候我才能找回 属于自己的布鞋
Even though the air is so stale that it'll strike us down before the next dawn.
也要绑紧鞋带 走出灰色迷雾~
(口白:睡公园 也没什么关系嘛 只不过是 用黑夜来当棉被而已)
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