SherryZ 郑双双

音乐人 台北市

都会自疗系 灵魂歌姬-郑双双

郑双双擅长杂揉流行(Pop)/ 灵魂(Soul)/ 节奏蓝调(R&B)/ 爵士(Jazz)等曲风搭配上浑厚沧桑的嗓音,唱出现代女性优雅、暧昧、复杂、矛盾、追寻自我的各种面向也为快速的网路时代增添一种无可取代的温度与留白。

游走于爵士的知性成熟与 R&B 的随性之间,内敛深沈的灵魂风格更是化作时下chill out 浪漫洪流上空的一 缕氤氲。台湾乐坛缺乏了类似Adele、Amy Winehouse 、Celeste 这类的灵魂歌姬。郑双双的出现恰好填补了 这珍贵的空位子。她天生迷人的声音魅力是其最独特之 处,而最难能可贵的是她宜动宜静的音乐个性让她得以游走于感性与理性间,同时也因兼具性感妩媚的外在形象与率性俐落的个性分别获得25-35岁男性与女性群众的喜爱。


Sherry Cheng is a singer and songwriter known for her deep, expressive husky vocals and her eclectic mix of musical genres, including Pop, Soul, R&B and Jazz.

She cites Etta James, Billie Holiday, James Brown, Lauryn Hill, Amy Winehouse and Adele as musical influences. She’s good at using her deep and sonorous voice to create modern women’s emotions, and creating melodies to describe urban people’s sadness, love, conflict and mood for finding themselves.

Sherry Cheng’s sexy romantic vocals and soul diva images has been poured into Taiwan music scene. She definitely is a Rising Star.

  • 音乐


  • 粉丝


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