First don’t be hurry to find the belongings of the past
Now have you recorded?
Now you’re so matured at the time if you understand
Write it down
Record it
Complete it as a book
Oh I’m not saying the memory is stupid
And you’ve been gone through it, even you feel lost
Clearly know how the story be told
I just think I’m
Be more clever since I’ve been started to follow the heart
Not things are difficult
Minds be caught up in the struggle
And almost be an ugly man, named it the dark time about you really could have a choice
Your control freak’s heart will be serious to get yourself stronger
I start to follow the inside of sick heart, slowly waking, starting to follow the heart if you understand
先别急著去找以前的东西, 你记下了吗/
现在的你才是最成熟的时刻, 如果能了解就可以将东西写下汇集成一本书籍
oh以前的不是说愚蠢, 因为就算遗失了
你也知道内容如何, 我想我只是现在变聪明了
自从开始依循自己的心凡事就没什好难, 被现实局限的思考我早就已经会而且还差点引起躁郁我称之为黑暗时期, 当你认为你能选择所有事“我没了方向”是没有自信去, 当你认为你能选择所有事, 放怀过去会告诉你别气馁, 控制狂的心会告诉你用心在真正做事的时候, 嘿真的这些都不是你的义务, 这个世界只有你给予的期望, oh真想在那一天到达, 虽然不能配合彼此的计谋, 别想办法拆伙, 只想在最后能了解.