let's disco
let's disco

let's disco


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let's disco

let's disco


发表时间 2012-07-04


Hey you whatcha looking for
You’re chasing the girls who dress the yellow
Hey you whatcha looking for
You wanna be the shining star or hero Rambo
Hey you whatcha looking for
You work and work to get the goal
Hey you whatcha looking for
Why don’t you stop , Let’s DISCO

You can stop and I want you to stop
But you say
I can’t, hey I don’t care
Like someone is addicted to the drugs
You want more more more more

You can stop and I want you to stop
But you say
I can’t, baby I don’t care
Like someone is addicted to the drugs
You want more more more more

Hey you whatcha for
You work and work to get the goal
Hey you whatcha for
Why don’t you stop , Let’s sing the song

You can stop and I want you to stop
But you say
I can’t, baby I don’t care
Like someone is addicted to the drugs
You want more more more more

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