Early Morning Lullaby 晨间絮曲
Early Morning Lullaby 晨间絮曲

Early Morning Lullaby 晨间絮曲

Folk近岸深水 Nimbus

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Early Morning Lullaby 晨间絮曲

Early Morning Lullaby 晨间絮曲

拟白 p-i
拟白 p-i

发表时间 2020-11-24



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Whose eye has seen the dawn-light
whose hair has felt the winter's breath

We walked towards the mountain
and maybe left the world behind

You talked about the future
I thought that's only for tomorrow

An aimless smile appeared
those cogitations still amaze

We'll find out a way
There's no need to be afraid

Like children playing by the ocean
who build a road with sand

Paint you a foggy island
if we could travel with the wind

Remember all the visions in the dream
I saw you there, I saw you there

In a warm haze
wait to see the silvery sky

Across the open field
Leaping through the dancing flame.

The golden halos rising up
pour down your cheeks
pour down your cheeks
with no shadow
with no shadow

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