November [Demo]
November [Demo]

November [Demo]


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November [Demo]

November [Demo]

史派西乐团Spyc Band
史派西乐团Spyc Band

发表时间 2012-07-29


Day has gone. Being strong.
Silence from the lying leaf.
Along. Taste the solo.

November, wild and cold.
Tears for the wilt of summer
Score the freese of burning love

" In me thou see the twilight
 after the sunset fadeth in the west

 This thou perceiv'st
 which makes thy love more strong

 To love that well
 which thou must leave ere long"

Daddy's lady, cry for losing and gone

" This thou perceiv'st
 which makes thy love more strong

 To love that well
 which thou must leave ere long"

Day has gone, day has gone......

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