I thought what i'd do was,I'd pretend i was one of those deaf-mutes.
词 Lyrics :史堤
曲 Composing :史堤
编曲 Arrangement :midsummer
录音 Recording :史堤
混音 Mixing:陈翰
ya feel me feel me
and you know dat and you know dat it's a cold cold world ya
everybody should be free to choose their destiny
wut 但是总是事与愿违 老师你还想骗谁
像是剧情早有准备 will you take a seat
walking on the street and it comes to
大多都是生命的过客 要你让个路
I'm one of them 戏中不重要的那颗树
马赛克遮住 what a joke ya
you the chosen one 你得是 他们说的
社会的齿轮 洗脑洗到脑子坏了更像活死人
这病没得治 oh shit oh shit
about time to go
looping looping my day 结束的时候记得跟我说
further no more no more
we ain't shit 再来一天得过且过
yeah they are wrong wrong wrong to me
and I feel like I'm gonna done with this
round and round here
to be or not not to be keep it